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Obvious Sexist Decisions

So I was looking up a topic for my blog this week and decided on a topic related to Jack the Ripper. I was going to talk about his removal of the uterus in some of his victims. It directly relates to the book I am writing. I did a google search for it and came upon the article linked below. Apparently a women’s history museum was attempting to open in Whitechapel. Instead of the wonderful empowering museum towards women they decided to go the exact opposite and open a museum dedicated to Jack the Ripper. I looked up this museum and each floor is dedicated to a different murder and a different aspect of the case.

I found the situation humorous and bewildering at the same time. I can’t help but think whoever made the switch must absolutely hate women. I assume it was a man who made this decision because it was such a shift in focus in the exact opposite direction. I sat here laughing with my friend who I shared this article with immediately. We both also discussed how ironic it was for a switch and discussed how utterly screwed up it was for a switch in museums.

Here is the link to the article.

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